* 1. Консульский сбор - стоимость визы, указанная посольством КСА (в случае отказа, консульский сбор возвращается клиенту).

* 2. Сервисный сбор - стоимость, за оказанные  услуги Визового центра. (в случае отказа, сервисный сбор  не возвращается клиенту).

* 3. Страховка за визу - обязательная страховка на время поездки в КСА. ( в случае отказа, страховка не возвращается клиенту и удерживается с консульского сбора).


Сервисный сбор можете оплатить либо в долларах (принимаются к оплате только купюры нового образца) наличными, либо в рублях по курсу ПАО "Сбербанк России"

Консульский сбор оплачивается строго в долларах, без сдачи и размена. Ветхие, испорченные купюры Визовый центр КСА не принимает.


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2. Заполнение анкеты за заявителя - 500 рублей.

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Тип Визы

Консульский сбор

РФ/Иностранный гражданин

Сервисный сбор

Коммерческая виза

Однократная 90 дней/30



55 $

Многократная 365 дней/90


55 $

Рабочий визит

Однократная 90 дней/30


55 $

Многократная 365 дней/90



55 $

Семейная виза

Однократная 90 дней/30


55 $

Многократная 365 дней/90


55 $

Посещение организации

Однократная 90 дней/30


55 $

Многократная 365 дней/90


55 $

Виза для проживания


55 $

Государственная Виза

Не взимается

55 $

Рабочая Виза


55 $

Учебная Виза


55 $


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Консульский сбор

95 $

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Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett said the conversation about anthem protests would change if white players became part of the movement.

"It would take a white player to really get things changed," Bennett said Wednesday on ESPN's SC6, Doug Baldwin Jerseys "because when somebody from the other side understands and they step up and they speak up about it ... it would change the whole conversation. Jimmy Graham Jerseys Because when you bring somebody who doesn't have to be a part of [the] conversation making himself vulnerable in front of it, I think when that happens, things will really take a jump."

Bennett said he had been thinking all summer about sitting for the anthem, but he made the decision to do so for Sunday's preseason game over the weekend, following the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. Kam Chancellor Jerseys He said he plans on sitting for the anthem for the entire season and that he wanted to use his platform as an athlete to promote equality.

"Over the weekend, so much violence, so much hate," Bennett said. "I just wanted to remember why we were American citizens, remember the freedom, the liberty and the equality, make sure we never forget that. Marshawn Lynch Jerseys I really wanted to honor that, the founding principles of what we're all supposed to be. Charlottesville was so crazy, so much going on in the world now, it just made sense."

Bennett said some players were scared off by the experience of quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who began the movement last season and is now without a job in football.

"He had to sacrifice. He spoke up and dealt with a lot of things that were going on -- from death threats, people not wanting him in the stadium, people hating him," Bennett said. "I think a lot of players were scared of that. Richard Sherman Jerseys Then on top of that, players feeling like he was being blackballed, people were eventually scared.